In February’s Business Networking meeting, Chris Isaac from Secure Inheritance talked about how he helps people legally ensure that everything they have worked for all their lives ultimately goes to the people they choose… because, according to a major report by the National Consumer Council … over 1 million people who didn’t do this lost at least part of their inheritance to “unintended” others.
Chris works for Secure Inheritance Legal Services and they do what it says on the tin…they specialise in helping you to legally secure everything you have worked for all your life. Chris helps both business and non-business clients and he also has a referral system that may be mutually beneficial to certain businesses.
Yes, he can provide Wills, but at Secure Inheritance, they don’t just “DO” Wills, they specialize in doing the Right Will for the client’s needs and the outcome they desire. That can range from a standard basic Will through to powerful trust Wills and accompanying strategic estate planning so that the client can have the Choice, Protection, and Control to meet their desired outcome.
The National Consumer Council produced a report that stated categorically, that one million people lost part of their inheritance to an “unintended” other all because there was no Will in place at the time. Chris aims to help their clients ensure that as much as possible of everything they have worked for all their lives goes to their chosen loved ones and not to “Unintended others” And who are these unintended others? They can include, Care Authorities and The Taxman but also to estranged spouses or future spouses and their children and, indirectly, to ex-son and daughters in law as a result of being divorced to your adult child after they have inherited.
In future talks, Chris will turn his attention to business owners and the measures they need to put in place to ensure that their business survives even in the event of personal incapacity and that their families benefit to the maximum and avoid some very high tax bills.
They also operate a thriving partnership programme in which they work together with:
IFAs, Accountants, Mortgage Advisers, Estate Agents, Equity Release Specialists, Insurance Brokers, Charities, Clubs & Societies and Employment Benefit Providers.
By working together they can provide a holistic service and bring extra revenue and new clients.
You can find out more by visiting the partner website at