As a group we have no membership fees and no compulsory attendance or forced referrals its just great networking and an opportunity to meet lots of other local business people. You can however join as a member to gain a whole host of enhanced benefits and in doing so join our growing list of businesses who’ve joined G12….
“I really enjoy the G12 meetings, I have been made very welcome and enjoy the broad range of businesses represented and the contacts I have made as a result. The meetings are quite informal making it easy to interact. I highly recommend coming along and meeting us. “
All this for just £149 (no VAT) per year.
For more details please contact Alistair OR just come along to a meeting and pick up a form, we’d love to welcome you on board….
Sign up below to get the latest G12 news to your inbox, don’t worry we dont sell or spam you!
We know that within all networking groups there is a varied level of experience and expertise and for us it doesn’t matter if you’re a startup, sole trader, entrepreneur or a member of a larger team, you’ll love the relaxed, informal environment.
The Mount
72 Paris Street
Devon EX1 2JY
(01392) 241653
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