
Congratulations to Our Tree-Planting Certificate Recipients!

We are thrilled to announce that four of our G12 Business Networking Club members have been honored with certificates for their contribution to tree planting! This recognition comes as a result of either joining our network or renewing their membership. 🎉

A special thank you to Zoe Partridge from Moor Trees for presenting these certificates and highlighting the positive environmental impact our members are making. 🌿

Our Honored Members:

  1. Tim Burling from Two Moors Finance
  2. Gerry Bolt from G3 Promotions
  3. Pete Egglestone from fit20
  4. Duncan Salisbury-Jones from Navigation Financial Planning

Each of these members has shown a commitment not only to their business growth but also to sustainability and giving back to the environment. By planting trees, they are helping to create a greener future for all of us. 🌍

At G12 Business Networking Club, we believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting both local businesses and the environment. We are proud to partner with Moor Trees to make a tangible difference.

Join us in congratulating these outstanding members for their dedication and positive impact! Let’s continue to grow our network and our plant a forest together.


Life is a Journey, sitting in comfort should be your priority

I suspect anyone who makes a living selling higher quality products understands the challenge of making people understand why they should spend more money on their product, than on a similar looking product elsewhere.

Henry Ford once said that ‘If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.’

We’ve all seen and been in enough cars to understand that Mercedes Benz build a better car than Fiat. It’ll last longer, go further on a litre of fuel and offer a more pleasant visceral experience. It will of course cost more to purchase, so the customer has to decide if they’re going to spend enough time in their car to justify the initial outlay. And in general we’ll find that a professional who needs a car for work and maybe does over 30k miles a year appreciate the benefits the Mercedes brings to their work and life, and will be more tempted to invest in the better product. And if they keep the Mercedes for long enough, at the end of its life it will likely not have cost any more than the Fiat per mile, as well as being a better tool to work and live with.

But car manufacturers know they can’t sell enough cars with a message that one has a better mpg than the other, it’s just not tempting enough, so they create adverts that make you believe your life will look and be better if you make that investment. It won’t of course, but you will have a more comfortable journey, be less likely to break down, use less fuel and all of that does help with productivity. But it’s a boring story. This gets to the heart of my problem. With the greatest of respect, few people have any idea what a chair can do and how good it can be. So we check it has the features we know about, select the colour, filter by price, and Bezos is your uncle, a new chair rolls off the back of a van 24 hours later. And after 6 years selling chairs, I’ve not yet seen an advert for one that makes a compelling reason for you to buy a better one.

So here’s what I’m doing about it.

I will bring the world’s best office chair (there are of course varying opinions on this, but this is my offer so I’m not interested in those for now) to your office, at home or at work.

Then 48 hours later, I’ll come and collect it again.
All you have to do is use it and not spill coffee on it.
Anyone, within 20 miles of Exeter.

Contact me direct: Paul Skinner

Phone: 01392 202012

Email: [email protected]


Offer expires 31st Dec 2024


Mastering Your 60-Second Business Pitch: Tips for Networking Success!

A powerful 60-second pitch can make all the difference at networking events. It’s your chance to make a memorable first impression and spark interest in your business. Here’s how to craft and deliver an amazing pitch:

1. Start with a Hook:

Grab attention from the get-go with a compelling opening line. This could be a question, a startling fact, or a brief story that relates to your business.

Example: “Did you know that 80% of businesses struggle with online visibility? At Gleave Media, we turn that around.”

2. Clearly State What You Do:

Be concise and clear about what your business offers. Avoid jargon and make sure it’s easily understandable.

Example: “We specialize in digital marketing solutions that boost your online presence and drive traffic to your website.”

3. Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

What sets your business apart from the competition? Focus on your unique strengths and benefits.

Example: “Unlike other agencies, we offer tailored strategies that are data-driven and focused on your specific industry needs.”

4. Share a Quick Success Story:

Illustrate your impact with a brief example of how you’ve helped a client achieve their goals.

Example: “Recently, we helped a local retailer increase their online sales by 50% in just three months.”

5. End with a Call to Action:

Wrap up your pitch by inviting your audience to connect with you or learn more.

Example: “If you’re looking to enhance your online presence and drive growth, let’s chat. Visit our website or connect with me after the event!”

6. Practice Makes Perfect:

Rehearse your pitch until it flows naturally and fits within the 60-second timeframe. Confidence and clarity are key!

7. Engage and Be Enthusiastic:

Show your passion for your business. Enthusiasm is contagious and can leave a lasting impression.

Example Pitch:

“Did you know that 80% of businesses struggle with online visibility? At Gleave Media,, we turn that around. We specialize in digital marketing solutions that boost your online presence and drive traffic to your website. Unlike other agencies, we offer tailored strategies that are data-driven and focused on your specific industry needs. Recently, we helped a local retailer increase their online sales by 50% in just three months. If you’re looking to enhance your online presence and drive growth, let’s chat and connect with me”


  • Keep it concise.
  • Be clear and engaging.
  • Practice your delivery.
  • Show your passion.

Good luck, and happy networking!


Ben Rotherhay from The Value Engine

Yesterday, G12 Networking welcomed Ben from The Value Engine to present at their business breakfast event hosted by Alistair Gleave. Ben had the challenge of delivering an informative, actionable, and entertaining talk to energise the attendees while they enjoyed their morning coffee and breakfast.

As an entrepreneur, Ben knows no one wants to sit through a dry, theoretical business lecture first thing in the morning. Instead, he aimed to provide a simple, actionable roadmap for increasing profits and sustainable business growth without the endless grind of all-nighters.

With just 15 minutes for his presentation, Ben made it engaging and memorable by breaking it down into five key steps:

  1. Start with the end goal in mind
  2. Get niched – trying to be everything for everyone leads to nothing
  3. Start with the customer and work backwards
  4. Build the smart machine
  5. Schedule weekly time to plan for the future

Ben hustled through all 5 of those game-changing concepts in his short 15-minute window! He even managed to sneak in a few bites of the breakfast spread.

The engaged audience loved Ben’s energetic and straight-talking style as he shared proven strategies for sustainable business growth. Thanks to Alistair for hosting and inviting such a great speaker. And thanks to Tony Cobley for capturing some brilliant photos from the event.

It was an awesome morning exchanging entrepreneurial ideas over coffee and croissants with Ben and the other motivated G12 Networking attendees.

You can see Ben’s presentation here: G12 Presentation

If you want to learn more about Ben or his business growth consultancy, The Value Engine, you can visit his website at


Asset Finance our May talk by Two Moors Finance

For our May meeting we had a 10 minute talk by member Tim Burling from Two Moors Finance all about Asset Finance.  Tim has been a member for a few years & still has the first email that we sent him back in 2020!!!!

To share such information normally involves a conversation between a couple of people, however in this case he created a 26 way discussion which meant all were engaged & that way it avoided a regurgitation of 39 years of knowledge.

Whoever knew that asset finance was so interesting!!! Every customer is different, they are buying a broad range of assets that require to be funded in a way that is understandable & right for their business as well as the asset. He presented by way of an interactive quiz style where questions were posed & then answered with explanations making it suitable for all in whatever stage they are in their business journeys.

There are multiple options available to any business when looking to fund their latest purchase, the first challenge is to ascertain whether it qualifies for finance & the internet can be of a great help. However the best solution for most either involves a bank manager or someone like Tim, an Asset Finance broker. He worked for a bank before running his own business & he left the bank when he was being told that in the future we would engage with clients via IT which didn’t necessarily include the phone…

Tim sees all clients on a face to face basis & works with them to allow them access to funding solutions & he explains those in plain English & presents what they want to a bank to obtain finance, he earns a commission on that transaction which is paid by the bank/funder, never the client.

So when you or someone you know is looking to purchase some type of asset, a new car, a van, truck, fork lift, computer, tractor, digger, bread oven, cocktail bar, herd of cows, new factory, solar panels, in fact practically anything, please give Tim a thought & see what he can offer in terms of realising your dreams.

You can find Tim’s contact details on his member page here.


The Devon Clinic 3 Peaks Challenge

Picture this: scaling the highest peaks of Scotland and Wales within a mere 24 hours. Yes, that is right – just 24 hours in one day to conquer Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, and Mount Snowdon and it’s all to help people who have lived with Domestic Abuse, whether it is current or historic.

#24HourChallenge #TheDevonClinic #24for24 #SupportOurCause

The Devon Clinic is a local charity that ensures all our work is for the benefit of the local community, and any funds we receive are reinvested into the services provided by our Clinic to support people with their mental health and well-being. Our aim is to be able to provide accessible, affordable, compassionate and evidence-based care to everyone in our local community.

The people undertaking this adventure leave Torbay on Wednesday, July 10th, as they journey to Fort William, Scotland, gearing up for the challenge’s start at 6 am on Thursday, July 11th. First up, Ben Nevis! After conquering Scotland’s peak, they will be whisked away to Cumbria for Scafell Pike, and then off to tackle Mount Snowdon, all within the 24for24 timeline. The clock ticks as they push their limits, aiming to have reached the summit and got back down Mount Snowdon by 6 am on Friday, July 12th.

But their journey does not end there – back to Devon they go, to the Mason Arms in Torquay, for a well-deserved celebration with a quiz and live music.

It is a feat that seems daunting, but with your support, they can do it! Every donation counts, supporting every step they take can help so many people in our local community. Let us rally together, share their journey, and make a difference. Join us in cheering them on, every step of the way!

Let us say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to

  • Rob O ‘Neil and George Holman from O’Neil & Holman Painting and Decorating who painted the clinic for us.
  • Craig Washington from CWPT Exercise & Nutrition, who has the gargantuan task of helping our founder run his first ever marathon at the tender age of 60
  • Chris Penney from Signco, a local signmaker who did The Devon Clinics’ windows
  • Arron Graham from The Fire Protection Group who supplies our fire extinguishers and fire protection
  • Matt, Tamsin Philip who is a sports therapist from Personal Best Therapy and providing treatments on a donation basis to help the clinic.
  • Dean Cartright from Cartwright Coffee who is producing a rather delicious ‘Devon Clinic Blend’ of coffee with a percentage of profit going to the clinic.
  • Pal Zoltan from Bloomin Gardens & Landscapes
  • Matt Crosscombe from Prestige Coatings Ltd,
  • Simon Putt from Devon Tree Services
  • Chris Parker from RhinoPlay

and let’s not forget Pauline Astle from Pauline’s Plants who donated some hanging baskets to brighten up the outside of the clinic. Pauline will be helping with the driving to Scotland and back to Devon via the Lake District and Snowdonia.

#24HourChallenge #TheDevonClinic #24for24 #SupportOurCause

The Devon Clinic is a local charity that ensures all our work is for the benefit of the local community, and any funds we receive are reinvested into the services provided by our Clinic to support people with their mental health and well-being. Our aim is to be able to provide accessible, affordable, compassionate and evidence-based care to everyone in our local community.

At The Devon Clinic, we are here for everyone, regardless of your age or background, who are facing a myriad of mental health challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression. We support many survivors of trauma and abuse, offering them a path towards healing and empowerment. Our commitment to our community goes beyond just providing a listening ear; we offer a diverse range of talking therapies and complementary treatments tailored to the needs of local individuals, ensuring their mental health and well-being are prioritized.

We have therapies provided by Psychologists, Counsellors, Hypnotherapists, Wellbeing Practitioners, and we also provide complementary treatments for wellbeing, such as Allergy testing, Equine Therapy, Homeopathy, Massage, Reiki, Scenar Treatment (pain management) and Sound healing. Our aim is to strive to provide a unique collaborative approach to anyone accessing our services. By having many different practitioners with different expertise within the Clinic, we can help you find the most appropriate support with the right practitioner here.

Your support means the world to us! Whether it is through grants or donations, every contribution can make a significant impact on those reaching out for assistance. We have witnessed firsthand how our work transforms lives and strengthens families. With your help, we can do even more. Currently, we are striving to raise at least £10,000 for The Devon Clinic, enabling us to continue serving our local community. Please join us in this vital mission!


How your brain works by Chris Fleet

In April’s G12 meeting, Chris Fleet of The Devon Clinic gave us the 10 minute talk about how the brain works.  This was a fascinating insight into how we can get the best out of our brain and use it for business.  He has very kindly created a YouTube video you can watch on the link below.

If you’d like to find out more or chat to Chris directly he is a member and you can find his contact details on our member page here.


The first three G12 Business Networking Club Members with Moortrees Certificates!

We are thrilled to announce a special milestone in our G12 Business Networking Club journey as we celebrate the dedication and commitment of three outstanding members. Join us in congratulating Stuart Ashdown, Sarah White and Ian Molloy, who have each been presented with their certificates from Moortrees as renewing or new members of our South Devon Business Networking group.

At the heart of our networking club lies a commitment to fostering meaningful connections, facilitating growth, and nurturing a spirit of collaboration. It is through the dedication and active participation of all our members that our group continues to thrive and evolve.

We are proud of our partnership with Moor Trees, a local charity dedicated to restoring native woodland on Dartmoor and as part of this partnership, G12 will plant a tree for every new member who joins the group.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Stuart, Sarah and Ian for their ongoing commitment to the G12 Business Networking Club. Your dedication, enthusiasm, and willingness to connect and collaborate have enriched our community immeasurably.

As we celebrate this momentous occasion, let us reflect on the power of connection, the importance of collaboration, and the impact that each of us can make when we come together with a shared purpose.

May our trees stand as a testament to our contributions and serve as a reminder of the growth, strength, and resilience of our G12 Business Networking Club family.


Professional Headshot Photography

G12 member, Tony Cobley set up his professional headshot photography studio at our well attended March networking meeting at the Dartmoor Lodge in Ashburton, Devon.

Tony provided headshot photo shoots for 9 of our members, all able to take as long as they required and pick several favourite shots.

Tony said: “G12 is a great networking group for me as I like the flexibility of attending as often as I like without pressure and the well-structured yet informal format. I’ve met several lovely new clients through the groups and some excellent new suppliers and collaborators.”

Find out more at


Stokeinteignhead Primary School Receives Generous Donation of Taco Shells for Taco Tuesday Lunches

G12 Business Networking Club is delighted to announce the generous donations of two large boxes of Taco Shells for Stokeinteignhead Primary School. The donation comes at an opportune time as the school gears up for its Taco Tuesday lunch program.

Taco Tuesday is becoming a new tradition at the school, giving children an opportunity to sample foods from around the world within this cherished school environment. The addition of the donated taco shells will enhance the school’s ability to offer this popular menu item to all its pupils.

Thank you for the support and generosity of G12 Business Networking Club, for the donation of Taco shells for our Taco Tuesday meal.  Allowing our pupils the opportunity to experience new tastes.  A great time was had by all the children and we look forward to another fun Taco Tuesday in the coming weeks.

Jo Crathorne, Head of School

Stokeinteignhead Primary School is situated in a rural village location, surrounded by countryside and close to the beautiful river Teign estuary and South Devon coastline.

For more information about Stokeinteignhead Primary School’s programs and initiatives, please contact the school direct Stokeinteignhead Primary School, Stoke Road, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4QE

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